Calculating Person Months

To use the chart insert the percent effort that you want to convert and press calculate. The person months for 3, 9, 10, and 12 will be calculated.

  % Effort
3 Month
Summer Term
9 Month
Academic Year
10 Month
12 Month
Calendar Year

To fill out the budget forms for the SF 424 R&R grantees will need to convert percent-of-effort to person-months. Below are two examples of how person-months are applied:

Example 1:
A PI on an AY appointment at a salary of $63,000 will have a monthly salary of $7,000 (one-ninth of the AY). 25% of AY effort would equate to 2.25 person-months (9 x 0.25 = 2.25). The Budget figure for that effort would be $15,750 (7,000 multiplied by 2.25 AY months).

Example 2:
A PI on a CY appointment at a salary of $72,000 will have a monthly salary of $6,000 (one-twelfth of total CY salary). 25% of CY effort would equate to 3 CY months (12 x 0.25 = 3). The budget figure for that effort would be $18,000 (6,000 multiplied by 3 CY months).